--- Doug Pensinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I wouldn't disagree with a word you've written.  The
> idea behind the test, 
> however, was not to determine how you would solve
> the problem but to 
> determine from which angle you would approach it. 
> As with any truncated 
> set of answers, some are not compatible with the
> angle of those taking the 
> quiz.
> Doug

You wouldn't?  You're awfully certain about which
policies are right and wrong on a lot of different
issues to agree with what I've written.  The two
stances conflict.

If you want my particular problem with the tests
approach to those issues, for example, it kept asking
- wouldn't it be best to approach these issues with
our allies?  Yes, it would be.  The problem is the
assumption implicit in that question - that our
"allies" actually are our allies on these issues. 
That they can't be bought off (France) or be actively
hostile to American interests (China, and maybe also
France) or just completely screwed up (Germany under
Schroeder).  In which case that approach is
approximately equivalent to saying "Wouldn't it be
nice if I could date Jennifer Garner."  Well, it
would, but so what?

Gautam Mukunda
"Freedom is not free"

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