----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Erik Reuter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, December 13, 2004 11:29 AM
Subject: Re: "God Is With Us" L3

> On Mon, Dec 13, 2004 at 08:27:45AM -0600, Dan Minette wrote:
> > >From 1969 to 1970, he served as Director of the Office of Economic
> > Opportunity and Assistant to the President. From 1971 to 1972, he was
> > Counsellor to the President and Director of the Economic Stabilization
> > Program. In 1973, he left Washington, DC, to serve as U.S. Ambassador
> > the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in Brussels, Belgium
> > (1973-1974).
> >
> > I rather suspect that Director of the Office of Economic Opportunity or
> > Director of the Economic Stabilization Program had virtually nothing to
> > with running the Viet Nam war, though.  :-)
> Surely he was well aware of it, if he was qualified to be Ambassador to

No doubt...But since this happened after the US withdrawal, I figured it
gave no indication that he had influence on our Viet Nam policy.  I am not
letting Rumsfeld off the hook...arrogance of incompetence comes to mind
when I listen to him.  The statement I was questioning is in this exchange:


> Wow, Warren, political scientists, historians, and
> just about everyone else have been discussing Vietnam
> for thirty years, trying to figure out exactly what
> the "lessons of Vietnam" are - and you know for sure
> what we can learn from that war?  Pray tell, do share
> them with us.

Let's see. For starters, don't let old hawks like Rummy and Cheney grab
the reins. ...

<end quote>

I was questioning how we could learn not to trust old war dogs like
Rumsfeld and Cheney  as a lesson of 'Nam. In a sense, one could say that
Rumsfeld mis-applied a lesson from Viet Nam by overrunning the basic
philosophy of the military in a way that McNamara didn't question
Westmoreland's failed strategy.  One could certainly fault Kissinger and
Laird for 'Nam, a lot of the war was on their watch, but I think that
Nixon's team's actions needs to be understood in terms of their relatively
complex set of goals.

Dan M.


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