And the US has been contributing so much to world happiness lately- let's tar all Americans
as Islamophobics who want to bomb the shiat out of any who disagree with their prayin',
spendin' ways! Don't you think saying that all of France supported the Rwandan genocides
is slightly unfair to the french people?
Elements of France may well have supported it- greed is very powerful. But the again,
throughout history, I see very few atrocities that weren't perpetrated by elites or
elements in the gov.'t gone amuck. There's a reason transparency is highly valued: it lets
the people check the bad apples in their rulers.
And as far as Ukraine goes, the Europeans might well oppose it because they are trying
to get elections which are not catspaws of America. Although Gautam, I doubt they are really
opposing it: the opposition candidate, who you claim they are attacking, is described as 'pro-western'.
The other candidate is Putin's man. How does it benefit the Europeans to assist Putin in trying to assert
some form of hegemony in the Ukraine?

Gautam Mukunda wrote:


I have no doubt that the ultimate goals of Europe
and America are the same: world happiness, and hopefully power along the

Why on earth would you think that? If you said - the ultimate goals of Great Britain and the US, sure. In the last few years, France has (for example) greatly aided the Rwandan genocide. Does that seem a contribution to world happiness?

Opposing 'democracy' in the Ukraine could be seen as
actually helping it.


Try looking at it as 'we had to destroy the
village in order to save it' from
the US perspective, and you can see why the
europeans would oppose it.

No, I certainly can't. I mean, I undestand why some members of the European left don't support it (not European governments, which aren't that dumb). But I understand why The Guardian runs editorials attacking Ukrainian democracy - because they oppose the United States. But that doesn't make it legitimate, and it doesn't make it a contribution to democracy. It just makes it wrong, and we should treat it that way.

Incidentally, this is not the only place on the
globe with contested elections-
why is it the Europeans are not reflexively
attacking it there?


In general, the European left is in favor of democracy
only when it involves Western Europe. Democracy for
Arabs, or Asians, or even Eastern Europe - that
they're either ambivalent towards, or opposed to. There's a consistency to this position, but not a morality.

Gautam Mukunda
"Freedom is not free"

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