So it's OT. ;)

I've got yet another Bright Idea™ (stand back, get behind the blast shields...) based on the idea of handling micropayments something like how iTunes does now, as well as a kind of file sharing that's really more like a swap meet than anything else.

My question is: anyone else looked into this and/or found it un/workable? Are there pitfalls that I should avoid before moving forward?

What I'd like to do is offer our titles digitally but allow a kind of points system to be used for purchases. You'd dump money into an account and then buy a title which would then be available for read/download. Where it's different from other eBook vendors is this: I want readers to be able to offer *used* eBooks for sale, which would sell for something less than their original price, some of which would go back to us, the rest to the seller, who could then apply those credits toward *more* book purchases.

I'd like the accounts to be refillable via micropayment as well as larger increments, and offer the possibility of gift certificates, etc., as well.

Anyone heard of such a thing? Has the wheel already been invented? If not, are there some relevant or parallel experiences that might serve as models for exploration?

Thanks for any insight and anatomically feasible suggestions. :)

-- Warren Ockrassa, Publisher/Editor, nightwares Books Current work in progress "The Seven-Year Mirror"


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