According to government budget, including obligations to the SS Trust Fund,
the Federal Debt went down as a fraction of GDP under each president, with
the exception of Ford (who was president just a couple of years), Reagan,
and the two Bush's.  The debt in '46, and the debt at the end of each
subsequent presidency but Bush II, and the estimated debt as of '04 is
given below.

'46                   122%
Truman              74%
Eisenhower        56%
Kennedy            52%
Johnson             42%
Nixon                34%
Ford                  36%
Carter                33%
Reagan               52%
Bush I                64%
Clinton               58%
Bush II               65%

I'll be happy to agree that from Truman on, real debt reduction was
bipartisian.  But, it is clear that Reagan and the two Bushes raised the
debt tremendously. It will be somewhere between 70% and 75% of GDP by 2008.

Dan M.


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