On Wed, 19 Jan 2005 16:59:10 -0500, Erik Reuter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> * Nick Arnett ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > I haven't said "do nothing."  But I don't see how we can possibly
> > reach any sort of consensus about what to, since we don't agree on
> > whether this is a present or future crisis.
> So you agree to taking the cut to 73% now for your generation? You would
> champion this policy to your cohorts?
> If not, then my point stands. If boomers say it is not a crisis, but
> aren't willing to accept the same cut that will occur to the next
> generation, then they are selfishly foisting the problem onto someone
> else.


The proxies for the Bush plan have a larger cut in benefits and a
higher debt burden.

Gary Denton

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