Horn, John wrote:

This is one of the most terrifying things I have read in a long,
long, LONG time.

Me too. Especially coming from Bill Moyers. The statistics really stopped me.

I'm religious, but I know the difference (I think) between what is irrational and what is non-rational. I'm deeply disturbed, even frightened, by the growth and seeming acceptance of irrationality in our culture. Irrationality seems increasingly confused with the non-rational.

To me, non-rational things are those that cannot be grasped with reason. Irrational ones are those that reason can prove or disprove.

I ask myself, what provokes widespread irrational beliefs -- what are these people reacting to? Some sort of vast sense of helplessness? Intuition tells me that fear underlies this, but I'm not at all sure what fears are playing big roles today.

I don't think the answer can be "religion," as some would have it.



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