I think that's a bit disingenous- saying 'God created evolution' is on
par with 'God created 2+2' or 'God created the Law of the excluded
middle'.  Evolution naturally falls out of things, like 1=1.

Microsoft delenda est.

On Tue, 01 Feb 2005 10:08:13 -0800, Nick Arnett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I see "religion v. evolution" as an irrational comparison.  God created
> evolution, I believe, so it's not an either-or choice.  Rejection of the
> reality of evolution, which is happening right now inside us, as our
> immune systems evolve defenses against the ever-evolving pathogens, is
> irrational, I believe.
> a 
> Do you have an example of a religion-free culture to which we could
> compare?  Otherwise, it seems to me that there's little evidence to be
> considered.
> Nick

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