* Robert Seeberger ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> I used to not pay for medication at all. Then for a few years I had
> a 10$ co-pay for pretty much every drug. Now I have a 30$ co-pay and
> many drugs are not covered at all.

That is a GOOD thing. Small costs that people can pay for should
definitely not be picked up by plans. It doesn't make sense to take
away the normal free market for lower-priced medical care. It is much
better to have medical plans with fairly large deductibles. The plan
should be mostly for INSURANCE against very large costs. That way proper
incentives are preserved for consumers to be thrifty and careful in
their consumption of less expensive medical care.

> If these kinds of problems are not addressed, fixing Social Security
> will not mean much for many many retirees and quite a few of the rest
> of us.

How is that a problem? It looks like a step in the right direction to
me. The current Medicare all-you-can-eat system is the real problem.
When so many things are free, there is much less incentive to be thrifty
in one's medical consumption.

Erik Reuter   http://www.erikreuter.net/

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