----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Warren Ockrassa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <brin-l@mccmedia.com>
Sent: Thursday, March 03, 2005 11:25 PM
Subject: Re: quantum darwin?

> > Also, its
> > worth noting, that there have been experimental confirmation of
> > macroscopic
> > quantum states....not just macroscopic effects.
> Do you mean the electron-slit thing, or are you referring to something
> else here?

Definitely something else.  The two slit experiments were, goodness, 80
years ago.  A great deal has been done since then.

I was specifically thinking about Bose-Einstein condensates.  An article on
this is given at:


The essay is a bit pop-scienceish, so some of the stuff shouldn't be taken
literally....but it's better than most, the discussion of intrinsic spin,
for example, is a pretty good layman's description.  Anyways, a relevant
quote, referring to my point is:

One of the problems physicists run into when teaching quantum mechanics is
that the principles are just counter-intuitive. They're hard to visualize.
But videos of BEC blobs several millimeters across show wave-particle
duality at a level we can comprehend easily. We can watch something that
acts like an atom, at a size we could hold in our hands. MIT researchers
have produced visible interference fringe patterns from sodium BECs,
demonstrating quantum mechanics effects on the macroscale. That alone is
worth notice.
<end quote>

The important thing to take away from this quote is the size of the BEC,
several millimeters.  That is definitely macroscopic, it's a size that you
see on a grade student's ruler.

The most important work on the foundations of QM, until perhaps the most
recent work on a QM theory of QM measurement, has been Bell-Wigner.
Einstein, Podansky, and Rosen showed in the '30s that QM predicted the
existence of space-like correlations.  In the '60s, Bell and Wigner showed
that these correlations could not be the result of local hidden variables.
The only way for these correlations to be supported by a more deterministic
set of variables is if these variables either went faster than light in
some ultimate fixed reference frame (which we might as well call the
aether), or if they went backwards in time.

It was always possible, of course, that these spacelike correlations did
not occur.  We could see QM break down in that regime....no one thought it
likely, but it was possible. In the last 20 years or so, a number of
experiments have been done with spacelike correlations.  I've not kept up
with the latest experiments, but I have read papers detailing spacelike
correlations over 10 miles, spacelike correlations without inequalities,
and spacelike correlations of molecules.  This aspect of QM has been
rigorously verified.

Looking at the web, experiments are now ongoing to have superpositions of
macroscopic currents, using a Josephine junction.  It is always possible
that QM will break down at this point, and that there is exciting new
physics somewhere around mesoscopic physics.  I would rate it as
improbable, because one would have thought that the BEC work would not have
followed theoretical expectations if some a macroscopic effect existed.
Yet, as an experimentalist, I strongly support pushing things as far as we
can go in hopes of finding new physics.

Finally, I'll address in another post a common fallacy concerning the ways
that old theories are supplanted by newer theories (i.e. Classical
Electrodynamics being replaced by QED).  I've seen that misconception lead
to a lot of difficulties for "alternate thinkers" on sci.physics,
alt.sci.physics, etc.

Dan M.

Dan M.


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