The next step in our consideration is a more detailed look at spacelike
correlations and hidden variables.  In order to do this, we will use
measurements at three angles in the x-y plane (with the direction of travel
along the z axis.  Using the transfer between Cartesian and polar
coordinates where (x=1,y0) is radius 1 at 0 deg, and (x=0,y=1) is radius 1
at 90 degrees, we will consider three measurements. at 0 degrees, 37
degrees, and 74 degrees.

We will also need to consider what is required for a local hidden variable
theory to be valid for spacelike correlations.  It should be clear that
such a theory cannot include signals sent from one measurement to the
other...since we are specifically considering two measurements that are
spacelike from each other.  For this reason, hidden variable theories had
assumed that these hidden variables were set initially, at the point that
the two spin 1/2 particles seperated.

Using such a theory, the spin that would be measured at any given angle can
be considered pre-set.  We don't know what the variables are, but we can
posit model of underlying mechanics that includes a number of possible
variables that would determine what the measurement of spin would be.

So, with a local hidden variable theory, a two-particle system would have
pairs of preset spins in all directions.  For all angles for which particle
1 is pre-set to be measured in the up direction, particle 2 is pre-set to
be measured in the down direction.

We can check this at all three angles by setting both measuring devices in
the same direction.  We could look at one million pairs at 0 deg, one
million pairs at 37 deg, and one million pairs at 74 deg.  We find that, in
each direction, we have half a million times that particle 1 is measured up
and particle 2 is measured down, and half a million times that particle 1
is measured down and particle 1 is measured up.**

With this, we can see that, when both particles are measured in the same
direction, there is perfect anti-correlation between the particles.  Thus,
using the hidden variable theory, we can make the following conclusion:

Whenever particle 2 is measured in the up direction, particle 1 has been
preset to be measured in the down direction.  Whenever particle 1 is
measured in the down direction, particle 1 has been preset to be measured
in the up direction.

As a shorthand, we will call both the actual measurement of particle 1 as
up and the measurement of particle 2 as down "particle 1 is up", even
though we are really saying "particle 1 was preset to be up" in both cases.

OK, having set this up, let us consider measurements in different
directions. First we measure one particle at 0 deg, and one at 37 deg.  We
find  particle 1 being up at 0 and 37 degrees 450,000 out of a million,
down at 0 and 37 degrees 450,000 times, and down at one angle and up at the
other 100,000 times.

Thus, we can say that there is a correlation (two up measurements or two
down measurements) 90% of the time, when one measurement is at 0 degrees
and one at 37 degrees, and anti-correlations 10% of the time.

We repeat the experiment at 37 deg. and 74 deg, and find the same results.
(Since the assignment of 0 degrees is arbitrary, it would be shocking if we

So, now we will predict the % of time that there are correlations between 0
deg. and 74 deg.  When particle 1 is up at 37 degrees, it is up at 0 deg.
90% of the time and down at 37 deg. 10% of the time. From our measurements
at 37 deg. and 74 deg, we know that when particle 1 is up at 37 degrees,
particle 2 is also up 90% of the time.  If the anti-correlation between
measurements at 0 degrees and 74 degrees is maximized, we have the

up at zero degrees, up at 37 degrees, up at 74 degrees   40% of the time
up at zero degrees,  up at 37 degrees, down at 74 degrees   5% of the time
down at zero degrees, up at 37 degrees, up at 74 degrees   5% of the time

Using similar logic, we also get the following results

down at zero degrees,  down at 37 degrees, down at 74 degrees   40% of the
down at zero degrees, down at 37 degrees, up at 74 degrees   5% of the time
up at zero degrees, down at 37 degrees,  down at 74 degrees   5% of the

Adding these up we get correlations between the measurements at 0 degrees
and 74 degrees at least 80% of the time, and anti-correlations no more than
20% of the time.

We can also calculate this number from QM as cos(74 deg)^2 = 64%.  This is
far less than the minimum predicted by hidden variable theories.

What we requried in order to make these predictions are:

1) The ability to count
2) The distributive law of logic: if  A & (B or C), then (A & B) or (A &
3) Local hidden variables.

Either one of these must be dropped or QM is wrong.

But, Aspect and other experimentalists have confirmed the predictions of QM
for spacelike correlations.  Therefore, one is required to drop one the the
three assumptions listed above.  While philosophers had toyed with "quantum
logic" without the distributive law, this proved problematic if one wishes
to keep the logical/mathamatical toolkit of physicists.  Thus, it is
generally accepted that local hidden variable theories have been falsified.

Dan M.

** Obviously, there are  statistical errors, it is really half a million
+/- 707....But, .17% error will be seen to be far less than the differences
we will see.  Also, there will, due to experimental error, be some
glitches, when both are measured up, one isn't measured, etc....all of
which need not be considered in this idealized experiment but are discussed
and accounted for  in real experimental papers.


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