On Apr 6, 2005, at 8:24 AM, Gautam Mukunda wrote:

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Here's a listmate, making a perfectly reasonable
request for
suggestions, and she gets an insult instead.


No, it was an assessment of _someone else_. I wasn't insulting her. I do think his version of "God's Politics" might as well be titled "My Politics", which is egregious. The fact that he's justifying bad ideas using the Bible doesn't make them less bad - although it does say something is very wrong with the Democratic Party that they're swallowing this guy's stuff whole. It's also not an insult when I ask you why you saw fit to both misinterpret what I was saying and intrude for no good reason, either.

Hi, Gautam. I was going to reply to Julie's message, pointing out that I hadn't said that you insulted her, but her reply already covered that. Apparently not to your satisfaction.

Recounting the facts: She requested recommendations for writings by Jim
Wallis. You delivered an insult instead -- an insult of Jim Wallis.
I did not misinterpret what you said, though I suppose if I'd been less
terse, it might have been clearer.

As to my message amounting to an "intrusion for no good reason," how do
you figure? Was yours less so? Should we just sit quietly by when you
demean the subjects of our conversations?



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