On Wed, 6 Apr 2005 09:16:02 -0700 (PDT), Gautam Mukunda wrote

> My worry is that when you "speak to the values [you]
> hold" you're just asserting something.  Since you root
> all of these in religion,

I root all my values in religion?  On this list?  Does it really seem that way 
from out there?

> you're asserting the
> unprovable and unfalsifiable.  You may be right or
> wrong, but it's essentially impossible to debate.  

What sort of values *are* provable or falsifiable?  I can't prove that it is 
right to feed hungry people and make health care available to all of our 
citizens, eventually to all people, but those are values-based statements, I 
think.  Is the "just war" principle provable?

> Nick
> thinks God tells him what to do in Iraq and that since
> I disagree with him, I'm disagreeing with God.  Maybe
> that's not what you mean to say, but it's certainly
> what you _seem_ to say.

Sounds like exactly what a lot of people say they're hearing from the White 

As for criticism, I don't object to helpful criticism.  But I don't think 
that's the spirit of most criticism from the left these days, or more 
generally, of most of the criticism in mass media these days.  And those who 
offer nothing but criticism, as I'm wont to do, are failing to offer alternate 
vision, which makes their criticism useless.

For example, it seems useless to me to say, "Bring the troops home now," 
without a vision for how to achieve peace in Iraq.  It seems useless to insist 
on a pacifist response to terrorism without a vision of how to reduce or 
eliminate it in non-violent ways.  I don't want to play the game of defining 
myself by what I'm against.

> In Wallis's case, it seems to me that all he's really
> saying is "God agrees with me".

Sorry, but that is utterly the opposite of what he has written -- that's the 
very sort of attitude he rejects.  And so do I.  Have you read anything he's 

> - and he pairs that
> with a pathetic anti-Americanism 

Again, that's completely wrong.  He addresses that very issue quite clearly.  
It is not anti-American to disagree.

> that goes down fine
> on the left, but that the other ~90% of the American
> population 


> Preening seems like a big part of what
> he does.  

How much do you actually know about Jim Wallis?  I ask because that is so far 
off the mark, from my perspective.



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