On Thu, 21 Apr 2005 06:38:42 -0700 (PDT), Gautam Mukunda wrote

> No, we can't, actually.  None of them are all right,
> no.  International ANSWER, the group primarily
> responsible for organizing the anti-war protests in
> the United States, 

Although I find the anti-war leadership to be a discouraging band, you're 
giving ANSWER way too much credit for leadership.  Its goal is to coordinate 
action across many organizations.  In reality, the anti-war movement seems to 
be full of petty turf wars and is not very well organized, although that's 
changing as the days go by.

> is a Stalinist organiation that is
> actively pro-Saddam.  

Good heavens.  Guilt by association, anyone?  ANSWER is associated with IAC, 
IAC is associated with WWP and WWP (which is disintegrating) didn't go along 
with Trotsky so it was labeled Stalinist.  Meanwhile, the vast majority of war 
protestors are pro-democracy and reject virtually all of the WWP's ideology.

Didn't you say something about doing things for more than one reason?

There are extreme leftists at every anti-war protest, I expect.  There are 
people who advocate the the overthrow of the U.S. government at them.  But to 
paint the whole anti-war movement that way would be like saying that you're a 
danger to the public health because your body contains some germs.  We have 
immune systems to deal with the nasties.



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