--- Nick Arnett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, 21 Apr 2005 09:18:22 -0700 (PDT), Gautam
> Mukunda wrote
> > Yes.  Is that so hard to understand?  If the
> American
> > Nazi Party had organized an antiwar event (which
> they
> > did, I think) 
> Reduction to the extreme again!  The parallel would
> actually be if the 
> American Nazi Party was associated with an
> organization that was trying to 
> coordinate activies of a bunch of loosely organized
> coalitions, one of which 
> sponsored an event that I went to.

<sigh>  Not really, no.  A short history of ANSWER,
put together by a blogger and veteran of the Iraq War:

Some highlights:
The man who started it all was Ramsey Clark. Clark
served as the US Attorney General under Lyndon B.
Johnson, but has more recently made a name for himself
by representing such upstanding world citizens as
Liberia's Charles Taylor, Serbia's Radovan Karadzic,
and Iraq's Saddam Hussein.
Under the leadership of Ramsey Clark, the IAC was the
only major "anti-war" group that refused to condemn
Saddam Hussein's invasion of Kuwait in 1990. Indeed,
Clark actually flew to Baghdad and met with Saddam
Hussein in November 1990, returning home with a
handful of Saddam's "guests" (diplomats' families held
hostage) as a token of the Iraqi dictator's goodwill.
The IAC would go on to become leading apologists for
Serbian war criminals in Bosnia and Kosovo, labeling
reports of rape camps and ethnic cleansing "fabricated
atrocities" (never mind those embarassing mass
graves). When NATO unleashed a bombing campaign in
response to the Serbian ethnic cleansing campaign in
Kosovo, Clark flew to Belgrade to express his support
for Milosevic.

Not a good bunch of people.

Gautam Mukunda
"Freedom is not free"

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