At 02:09 PM Thursday 4/21/2005, Warren Ockrassa wrote:
On Apr 21, 2005, at 6:13 AM, Gautam Mukunda wrote:

--- Doug Pensinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Oh, and maybe we should elect our representatives to
that body rather than
allowing someone to nominate borderline psycopaths
to be our


Ah, the height of rational argumentation - calling someone who disagrees with you a psychopath. Even when I _caricature_ leftists I couldn't come up with you, Doug.

Well, while "borderline psychopath" is an extreme sentiment, I wouldn't be so easily dismissive of the case against Bolton. His behavior apparently has been ... erratic at times, and it's not necessarily the best idea to position someone with a heavily aggressive -- one might say bullying -- method of dealing with disagreement in the position of being the US ambassador to the UN.

If the US currently has image issues with other nations, for example, it might not be the best plan to appoint as ambassador someone who (if reports of his past behavior are correct) seems to embody the way this nation is perceived by a significant proportion of people in other nations. That is, if Bolton's an erratic man prone to fits of rage, is he really the best choice to serve as our face to the UN assembly?

So what if he decides to, oh, pound his shoe on the table? It's not like the UN hasn't seen that before . . .

-- Ronn! :)


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