On 4/29/05, Warren Ockrassa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Apr 28, 2005, at 7:43 PM, JDG wrote:
> > The Bush Administration used the child/permission slip analogy to make
> > this
> > *latter* viewpoint, that the US must gain the *permission* of the UN
> > Security Council before activing, appear repulsive and appear to be
> > reducing our great nation to childishness.
> Dunno about our great nation, but obviously our citizenry has sunk to
> that level.
> Would you [plural] mind finding a different horse to flog? This one's
> dead. And while you're [singular] at it consider dropping the pompous
> tone as well. It's obnoxious.
> --
> Warren Ockrassa, Publisher/Editor, nightwares Books

And while we are giving unsolicited advice, could y'all (plural) remember to 
subjects? When it is that long, start trimming.

Taking own advice

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