----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Robert J. Chassell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <brin-l@mccmedia.com>
Sent: Monday, May 02, 2005 7:33 AM
Subject: US riches, actual and hypothetical

> Here is a question that Dan Minette may be able to answer quickly.
> My goal is to get some grasp of the consequences of long term policies
> by the two major US political parties.
> A while back, Dan figured out the rate of measured economic growth in
> each US political administration, excluding the first two years.  By
> excluding the first two years he avoided effects from the policies of
> a previous administration.  Thus, the rate of growth for the
> Republican Eisenhower adminstration was determined for 1954 - 1960 and
> for the Democratic Kennedy/Johnson administration was for 1962 - 1968,
> counting those years inclusively.
> Please start with the measured income of the US in 1948, or from
> another base year for which information is readily available, perhaps
> 1928, but no more recent than 1952.  The idea here is to generalize
> beyond short term actions and look at long term trends and policies.

>From 1920 to 2000, if we exclude the first two years of a party having the
presidency, the real GDP growth rate under Republicans was 2.5%/year, and
under Democrats was 5.1%/year.  The table I happened to grab didn't have
2003 and 2004, so the Republican numbers might change by 0.1% or so if we
include those years.

If the average growth rate during the 82 year period was the same as the
Republican rate quoted above, then the GDP would be $4778 billion.  If the
average growth rate was the same as the Democratic rate quoted above, the
GDP would be 36823.   The actual number for 2002 is 10442.

I think that Erik's point on this is fairly valid...that the Democrat's
policy is closer to the "sweet spot", besides WWII helping the Democrats a
bit, so I don't really think that continuous Democratic rule would have
resulted in >3x the present GDP.

In terms of per capita GDP, were talking about, roughly 16.5 k/pp for the
Rep. scenario, 36 for the actual value in '02, and 127k for the Dem.

Those are the numbers that have been requested; this time without much
interpretation by your sponser.

Dan M.


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