HEADLINE: Birds May Be Behind Exploding German Toads

This was too good (or maybe too stupid) to pass up...... Self sacrificing
toads? Crows pecking out livers? Gheeessseee.

I think that alien mutilation is just about as likely as either of the other
explanations :-)  Or maybe it's a military or terrorists experiment to train
toads to be suicide bombers?  In my semi-sleep deprived loopy condition, I
have visions of these toads screaming "Semper Fi" or "Praise Allah" just
before they explode themselves.  Next thing you know, Homeland Security will
ban all travelers from flying with their pet toads. (insert mental picture
here of terrorist threatening entire plane with his exploding toad)

By the way, the Subject line is a homage to a Richard Jeni bit where he
talks about the "giant electrified hornytoad exploding bad-smelling
sabertooth lesbian bulimic squid."

It seemed very fitting.

Ok, I'm done....

Sleep Deprived Maru

Birds May Be Behind Exploding German Toads

BERLIN Apr 28, 2005 - Why are toads puffing up and spontaneously exploding
in northern Europe? It began in a posh German neighborhood and has spread
across the border into Denmark. It's left onlookers baffled, but one German
scientist studying the splattered amphibian remains now has a theory: Hungry
crows may be pecking out their livers.  

Other theories have been that horses on a nearby track infected them with a
virus, or even that the toads are taking the selfless way out sacrificing
themselves by suicide to save others from overpopulation. 

Complete silly story....


If you can't stand the heat, don't tickle the dragon.
(or in this case, the exploding toads)



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