--- Dan Minette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Maybe you think removing Saddam isn't
> > worth the cost.  But you can't say that opposing
> the
> > invasion wasn't functionally a stand in favor of
> > Saddam remaining in power, _because it was_.
> I think that overstates the case a bit.  I'll agree
> that anyone who was
> opposed to the invasion, including me, would have to
> accept that his
> remaining in power was a highly probable
> outcome...so it should be accepted
> as the price of not invading.  But, by the same
> token, people for invasion
> needed to accept the very good chance of other
> significant negative
> outcomes, including the tens of thosands who have
> died during the
> occupation.  I know you agree with that.

I absolutely do.  If I had said "A stand against the
invasion was a stand against the people of Iraq" -
that would have been completely untrue.  It is
possible - I think it unlikely, but possible - that
five years from now the people of Iraq will be worse
off than they would have been under Saddam.  Saying
they are so _now_ is like saying the people of France
were worse off in August of 1944.  They were, but that
does not make D-Day a bad idea.  But it is possible
that things will not have improved five years from
now.  But without the invasion Saddam would still have
been in power, and that's a big difference, and all I
was referring to. 

Gautam Mukunda
"Freedom is not free"

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