----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Nick Arnett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <brin-l@mccmedia.com>
Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2005 12:26 PM
Subject: Re: Is Iraq better off? (was Re: Br!n: Re: more neocons)

> On Thu, 12 May 2005 09:42:47 -0500, Dan Minette wrote
> > The interpretation of such a poll will be dependant on where it is
> > taken, of course, but, at the very least, the changes in these
> > numbers over time should reflect changes in attitude.  Would you and
> > Nick consider this at least some measure of the views of the people
> > of Iraq?
> It could be meaningful, but it hasn't been done and isn't likely to be

It has been done, and I have results from several polls, spread out over
the last year. :-)  You said it could be meaningful; why wouldn't it be.
In particular, why would you suggest that attacks by some people indicate
that most people are worse off?

> But we have are numerous incidents in which the very people we are
supposed to
> be helping are attacking us, which tends to suggest that at least some of
> are not feeling helped by our continuing presence.

This sets the bar very high, doesn't it.  Everyone must approve of the
change in goverment?

>The inhabitants of Sadr  City, for example.

The evidence that I've seen is that the overwhelming majority of the local
grown attacks are from Sunnis.  Right now, there are negotiations with
Sunni political leaders about going through Sunni tribal leaders to work
out an amnesty program for many of the insurgents.

You mention Sadr City, but Sadr himself  has decided to work politically
instead of militarily.  Everything that I see indicates that the attacks in
Iraq (which mainly kill Iraqis) are by Sunni.

Dan M.


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