>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: "Gary Denton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Why are the Republican who think we are going to far not heard from when
>>there are debates about abortion in just about every Democratic meeting I

I'm going to take a wild guess and somehow connect it to the fact that the
Democrats lost the last Presidential election and exit polls attributed it
in large part to the issue of "moral values."

Losing always provokes more soul-searching than winning.

>>I suspect is because it was part of that media drumbeat that pro-life
>>can't be heard in the Democratic party.

I would hope that even you would agree that the failure to let PA Governor
Bob Casey speak at the Democratic National Convention played some role in
the Democratic Party deserving that storyline.

And the fact that:
a) Harry Reid is somehow considered to be a "pro-life" Senator in the
Democratic Party (compare his deviation from the Democratic mean vs.
"pro-choice" Republican Senators' deviation from the mean.)
b) Harry Reid is about the only "pro-life" speaker at a Democratic
Convention in a long, long time

At 03:26 PM 5/16/2005 -0500, Gary Denton wrote:
>>The procedure that was banned was used in only 0.004% of
>>abortions is the United States. Yes my 0's are in the right place
>>to the AMA.

Haven't you just made Dan's point?    Liberal Democrats wouldn't even
restrict 0.004% of abortions???!!!!???!!!!???


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