At 10:44 AM 5/18/2005 -0700, Warren wrote:
>Dan, you seem to be of the sense that almost any excuse can be 
>developed for a late-term abortion; it appears that Gary is of the 
>opinion that this is not a correct interpretation of current abortion 

Clarigication: Gary is of the opinion that this is not a correct
interpretation of current abortion jurisprudence.   Thanks to the activist
liberals on the Supreme Court, very little in regards to abortion is
governed by legislation.  

As I cited in my previous message, he is playing fast and loose with the
facts by only citing a single SCOTUS abortion case, when in fact the
abortion jurisprudence is based upon several cases - including the case Doe
vs. Bolton, which was decided concurrently with Roe vs. Wade.

We also, of course, have the simple *facts* of the last 30+ years - in that
no State has succeed in prohibiting third-trimester abortions.

>John -- you seem to be objecting to the possibility of a fetus being 
>aborted near or at its due date; yet you seem to have overlooked the 
>stats posted by Gary, which suggest that late-term abortions comprise 
>one in every 25,000 current abortion procedures (0.004%, which is four 
>in one hundred thousand, 4:100,000).
>That extreme rarity suggests to *me* that those procedures are 
>genuinely undertaken in medical necessity,

I disagree.   Moreover, if the child in such a circumstance has a right to
life, then giving legal sanction to even one such violation is one too many.


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