On 6/16/05, William T Goodall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/4098172.stm
> "Children are being trafficked into the UK from Africa and used for
> human sacrifices, a confidential report for the Metropolitan Police
> suggests.
> Children are being beaten and even murdered after being labelled as
> witches by pastors, the report leaked to BBC Radio 4's Today
> programme said.
> Police face a "wall of silence" in investigations because of fear and
> mistrust among the groups involved.
> It follows the case of a girl tortured by her guardians for being a
> witch.
> Three people, including the girl's aunt, were convicted of trying to
> "beat the devil out of" the un-named 10-year-old - originally from
> Angola.
> The report was commissioned by the Met after the death of Victoria
> Climbie in February 2000 and because of concerns over so-called faith
> crimes."
> --
> William T Goodall

Human sacrifices? Mass hysteria sparked by one case?

Color me skeptical, but this sounds suspiciously like the Satanism
hysteria in the US some years back.


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