There is but a simple rule to understand current Republican Propaganda. Watch very carefully when Republicans start accusing other of doing things. Then carefully come through the news until you discover that it was the Republicans who were doing what they accuse the others of.

Frex Karl Roves recent slanderous remarks accusing Liberals and Democrats of wanting to negotiate and provide therapy to terrorists.

But read the news and see what the republicans have been doing recenty...*They* have been nogotiating with terrorists in Iraq:

"LONDON - U.S. officials held secret talks in Iraq with the commanders of several Iraqi insurgent groups recently in an attempt to open a dialogue with them, a British newspaper reported Sunday."

"The defense secretary also acknowledged that U.S. officials have met with insurgents in Iraq, after a British newspaper reported that two recent meetings at a villa north of Baghdad. When asked on NBC's ''Meet the Press'' about the report of the two meetings, Rumsfeld said, ''I think there have probably been many more than that.''"

So while we continue to lose this war and republicans attemt to give therapy yo our foes, remember look at what they SAY and then Look at what they DO and note how what they say and what they do are divorced from each other (and reality).

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