Ronn!Blankenship wrote:
Can anyone PLEASE tell me how to PERMANENTLY DISABLE "Sticky Keys" in Win XP? Every now and then it will get turned on by accident and the only way I have found to turn it off is to reboot (I've tried to select "Cancel" when the box comes up to tell me it's been activated, but that doesn't seem to work.) Having this "feature" come on when I'm in the middle of trying to do something is VERY ANNOYING!!!!!!!!! (As if you couldn't tell . . . )

You might try going to the Control Panel, selecting Accessibility Options, clicking on "Accessibility Options" under "or pick a Control Panel icon, selecting Keyboard if that tab doesn't come up on top to begin with, clicking the Settings button in the StickyKeys part of the window, and then deselecting whichever options there you think keep you accidentally activating StickyKeys.

If you've just activated StickyKeys and haven't taken the opportunity to follow the above directions, or the directions haven't done anything to help the situation, hit the shift key 5 times, see if that gets you out of the StickyKeys mode.

If none of that helps, I don't know what to tell you.


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