On 11 Jun 2005, at 11:04 pm, Ronn!Blankenship wrote:

At 04:28 PM Saturday 6/11/2005, Warren Ockrassa wrote:

On Jun 11, 2005, at 11:06 AM, Ronn!Blankenship wrote:

At 01:02 PM Saturday 6/11/2005, Warren Ockrassa wrote:

On Jun 11, 2005, at 10:33 AM, Ronn!Blankenship wrote:

If you have any suggestions on how to fix the problems in the regular prisons, I'd be glad to hear them.

For rape? One solution springs immediately to mind.

For the non-clairvoyant among the members of the list, what would that be?

Castration, chemical or otherwise, of course.

While the redneck side of me may agree (and in fact suggests that the "chemical" method ought to involve something like pouring a liter or so of concentrated H2SO4 in their lap), my real opinion as to what should be done is to get the correction officers back in control of the prisons (and not in an abusive or sadistic way, either). If what it takes is keeping the inmates locked in their cells so they can't get to each other to rape each other or kill each other, so be it. If it involves a return to the practice of "making little ones our of big ones" so that when they return to the cell block they are too exhausted to commit mischief, so be it. Perhaps someone else has a better idea of how to fix the problems in the regular prisons . . . ?


"Why is it that an aspect of prison life that appears to be so tightly woven into the prisoner's experience in the United States is not to be found in any concentrated form in the UK?"

"Ian O'Donnell a1, Prison Rape in Context, 44 Brit. J. Criminology 241 (March 2004) Fear of sexual violence is a defining characteristic of the prison experience in the United States. Rape has been a key theme in the literature on imprisonment since at least the 1930s. There is evidence--from prison argot and epidemiological studies in particular--that this problem is not as ingrained in the UK. Clearly there is more at play here than sexual deprivation and the pains of confinement, which know no jurisdictional boundary. It is suggested that the answer may lie, to some extent at least, in the poisonous history of race relations in the United States: prison rape can be seen as a legacy of slavery and the lynch mob. The particularity of the US situation may also be explained in part by higher levels of violence in society more generally and a cynical attitude on the part of prison staff.


In today's world the judge who sentences a young person to reform school or prison passes male rape on him as surely as the sentence. Every inmate has a very short time, once inside, to pick a 'wolf' (a tough protector) or face gang rape, becoming the 'girl' of the institution, or death. Many of the prison suicides we read about can be traced to this choice. Worse, prison officers might even have sold the boy to aggressive inmates in order to keep the institution quiet. (Scacco 1982: vii)

The above quotation encapsulates several of the main themes to be addressed in this paper. First, the notion that prison rape is a quotidian experience, that it is an inevitable secondary effect of incarceration. Second, that this is a recent development, peculiar to 'today's world'. Third, that the existence of this practice is so firmly rooted in prison life that it has generated its own argot. Fourth, that there is an intimate connection between the fear of sexual assault and violence (whether directed inwardly as suicide or at other prisoners in self-defence or retaliation.) Fifth, that prison staff may be complicit in the continuation of this practice. Scacco presents in stark form an argument that is found throughout the literature on imprisonment in the United States.

Prisoner biographies and litigation, academic treatises, popular 'entertainment' and reform groups (such as Stop Prisoner Rape) are at one in their emphasis on the subculture of sexual violence that permeates prison life. Penal institutions are shown as crucibles of masculinity; places where distorted--and destructive--forms of male identity are forged. In this bleak view, those who do not fit the mould are destroyed. Only 'real men' can survive the unrelenting struggle for domination that marks the passage of time behind bars. According to Smith and Batiuk (1989: 30):

the threat of sexual violence actually dominates the prison environment and structures much of the everyday interaction that goes on among inmates. In fact, the threat of sexual victimization becomes the dominant metaphor in terms of which almost every other aspect of 'prison reality' is interpreted.

To give one example of this reality, consider the following account from a terrified eyewitness in Terrant County Jail in Forth Worth, Texas. This prisoner escaped rape when a 17-year-old youth, admitted to the same communal cell shortly after him, was raped until he passed out:

... while the boy was still unconscious, the attackers jabbed his arms, neck and body with the burning tips of erasers of pencils, so that the boy's body twitched making it more sexually exciting for the aggressors. Then one of the attackers, in a final sadistic gesture... shoved his fingers deep into the boy's rectum and ripped out a mass of bloody haemorrhoids. (Rideau and Sinclair 1982: 18)

More recent cases, such as those described by Sabo et al. (2001) and Human Rights Watch (2001) are identical in their depiction of human degradation and destruction.

Prison sexual violence is seldom heard of in the UK. While victimization is routine it usually takes the form of assault, intimidation, robbery and verbal abuse rather than rape and sexual exploitation (see for example O'Donnell and Edgar 1998). Sampson (1994: 84) gives the example of a prisoner who raped his cellmate when he discovered that the latter had been convicted of rape. However what makes such events noteworthy is that they seem to be isolated cases. Generally speaking, academics and activists are more exercised about institutional abuse when the perpetrators are those in authority. Recent special issues of the British Journal of Criminology dealt with prisons (1994: 34/suppl.) and masculinities (1996: 36/3). However the issue of prison sexual violence was conspicuous by its absence. An issue of The Prison Journal (2000: 80/4) was devoted to prison sexuality, but the discussion was entirely limited to the United States. Similarly in a literature review, Coxell and King (2000), two London-based researchers, depended on information from the United States. Why is it that an aspect of prison life that appears to be so tightly woven into the prisoner's experience in the United States is not to be found in any concentrated form in the UK?"

My own take on this is that a country that is more religious than the UK is bound to exhibit more depraved and bestial behaviours across the board - more murder, more rape and so on. A country mired in primitive religious superstition is hardly likely to shine on respect for human rights.

William T Goodall
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