Think of the possibilities!

Aug. 15, 2005 -- Scientists in Singapore have invented
a battery powered by urine.  "We are striving to
develop cheap, disposable, credit card-sized biochips
for disease detection. Our battery can easily be
integrated into such devices, supplying electricity
upon contact with biofluids such as urine," says Ki
Bang Lee, PhD, MS, in a news release...

...The battery sandwiches copper, paper laced with
copper chloride, and magnesium between two plastic
layers. The "sandwich" is later laminated.

"When a droplet of human urine is added into the
battery… the urine soaks through the paper between the
magnesium and copper layers. The chemicals dissolve
and react to produce the electricity," write Lee and

In tests, the battery produced a maximum of 1.47
volts, dropping a bit with time but keeping a constant
voltage of 1.04 volts for 90 minutes, write the
scientists. The battery could be used in home-based
health kits, they suggest...

Gee Whiz! Maru

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