On Tue, 16 Aug 2005 19:22:20 -0500, Dan Minette wrote

> The Jews are secretly controlling nations, banks, etc. to run the 
> world for their own purposes.

Cite, please.  But I'm quite sure that you won't find one, since I know that
Cindy doesn't say or believe anything of the sort.  She sees our country being
unduly aligned with Israel, the nation.  I don't begrudge her that opinion,
but I don't put a lot of weight on it, either.  I have always found her
surprisingly well informed and so she might know a great deal about this.  She
is not a paranoid conspiracy theory kind of person.

Are you really saying that for anybody to suggest that Israel has a lot of
influence in Washington is the same as saying that there is a century-long
conspiracy theory about the Jewish people?  


Nick Arnett
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