----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Robert Seeberger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <brin-l@mccmedia.com>
Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2005 10:36 PM
Subject: Re: Mindless and Heartless

> Whether one agrees with Sheehan or not is beside the point here.
> Anti-semitism is the dislike/hatred of Jews, not necessarily the
> criticism of of any group of Jews politics. Would even the lightest
> criticism of the NAACP be racist?

No.  There are plenty of criticisms that would not be anti-Semitic.  But,
accusing Jews of not being loyal to the country and controlling the country
for their own ends has a long and nasty history.  It's like calling blacks
lazy and shiftiness and then protesting that one is not a racist.

I'll give an example that I gave to Jerone.  My babysitter when I was young
was a very wonderful older (60s)  woman.  But, she was taught racism, and
she was racist.  She said she couldn't be, because she never really met a
black person.  But she thought that the rich black entertainers should use
their money to sent the blacks back to Africa, where they belonged.

That was a racist statement.  It didn't stop her from being a wonderful
person.  When one hears one of the classic racist statements; it is
extremely likely that it came from a racist source.  It is quite possible
that someone picked up the opinion without thinking much about it; and
could still be a good person in many many ways, like my old babysitter.

The question of whether a Jew could really be loyal to the state goes back
a long ways.  It was clearly stated in "On the Jewish Question."  When a
classic accusation is raised yet again, a red flag goes up with me.  That's
not just some random minor criticism....that's an accusation that has a
long and sordid history.

Dan M.


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