On 8/23/05, Gautam Mukunda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- Maru Dubshinki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Clearly what we have here is a rather progressive
> > youngster, a shining
> > example of the further march of liberty: this
> > wimmin, or persun, is
> > advocating that toilet paper be liberated from its
> > constricted role of
> > cleaning our bottoms. They hold with Freud that this
> > fixation on the
> > anus is infantilizing, and retarding of progress
> > integrating the self;
> > in short blocking personal growth.  Thusly, we must
> > change the "role"
> > which toilet paper plays to clean other areas, such
> > as the nostrils,
> > or the mouth, other bodily orifices.  I dare say
> > that in this cry for
> > progress we can see a covert dialectic, leading to a
> > synthesis of the
> > negative, or "shadow" aspects of the whole
> > metemphysical nature of
> > toilet paper: what could be more subversive than
> > turning an item that
> > is meant to clean, and tragically, be immediately
> > disposed of into a
> > representation of the Great Mother that the
> > patriarchal Western
> > scientific society has repressed and demonized than
> > by into the
> > embodiment of its enemy, waste, and permament waste
> > at that?
> >
> > ~Maru
> Frighteningly enough, it wasn't entirely clear to me
> that this was a satire the first time I read it...
> Gautam Mukunda

Didja like how I threw in some legitimate scholarship like Freud's
anal fixation theories of sexual maturation, and the Great mother
religious motif, and Jung's shadow, just to camouflage the nonsense?


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