On 28 Aug 2005, at 12:51 am, The Fool wrote:

From: Dave Land <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

With all that, thanks for the post. It goes with my recent rant (not


list) that God is definitely working through those your so-called
"Jeebo- Fascists", just not at all the way they think He is. Pat
Robertson's murderous ravings, the failure of programs like this one


the nonsense of "intelligent design" are all contributing to a sense
that conservative Christianity is off the rails. Now, if we liberal
Christians can just get off our asses and tell the story of a
Christianity that doesn't label anyone who is not *exactly* like us a
damned sinner, maybe we'll be getting somewhere.

Don't be absurd.  "Chistianity" has never been _on_ the rails.  It's
always been a bloodthirsty murderous cult, obsesed with blood, and
killing, and converting at the point of a sword.  It's an evil
pervasive disease that will drive the human race extinct.

I wouldn't put it as mildly as that.

-- William T Goodall
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