On Sep 2, 2005, at 2:54 PM, Gautam Mukunda wrote:

I have said this before, but just to make it clear.
No post from Nick will _ever_ get any answer of any
sort from me on list beyond this one.  For me to be
called a racist by someone like _him_, of all people,
puts him entirely the bounds of decent society, and I
will continue to ignore him now and in the future.

Isn't this the moral equivalent of announcing that
someone is in your killfile? I have made that mistake
in the past and have learned that it is not such a good

Your arguments give me the vapors, but I don't announce
that I will not argue with you any more.  It is simply
not productive.

If you don't want to argue, just don't argue, don't go
around stamping your feet singing "nyah, nyah, nyah, nyah,
nyah, I can't hear you."



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