Warren Ockrassa wrote:
Who the heck is doing their ad work now? I shudder to think what kind of childhood must have fed into these "creative" ideas. Between that and the shrieking mutants Quizno's was using a while back, all I can imagine is that the current edgy idea on Mad Ave is "Freak 'em out so bad they can't think straight, and they'll spend their money *everywhere*. By random lot alone we'll get *some* of it."

Hey, don't discriminate against the childhoods of the British, I'm sure they have normal childhoods. The "Quizno's Spongemonkeys" guy works across the Pond from Madison Ave where he specializes in the British equivalent of college/stoner humour (with a U!). You can treat yourself (or torture yourself if so inclined) to other tidbits of his "portfolio" at RatherGood.com.

I actually have to give Quizno's props for thinking "Outside Madison Ave.", as they've hired first the British slacker culture guy and then a Hollywood reject (the talking baby producer/director/voice guy tried that stupid schtick in that awful "Baby Bob" television show).

--Max Battcher--

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