Ronn!Blankenship wrote:
At 10:24 PM Saturday 9/10/2005, Julia Thompson wrote:

Heh. Between the trackball and the fact that I keep the number lock ON, Dan doesn't like using my computer all that much.

So he prefers to use the numeric keypad to the arrow keys? (Like you, I keep NUM LOCK on.)

Yes. And it really messes him up when he's wanting to arrow back and instead types a few 4s.


For converse reasons, I don't like using his, either.

The computer center director at that school I mentioned a few days ago had a sign above his desk which read "Be reasonable. Do it my way."

:D FWIW, Dan's the only person who uses this computer who complains abou the NUM LOCK. (My mom, when she's visiting, and our favorite babysitter after the kids have been put to bed if there's not a good soccer game on....)


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