From: Alberto Monteiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Robert G. Seeberger quoted:
> The letter that follows takes us on a darkly imagined excursion into
> the future. A military coup has taken place in the United States--the
> year is 2012--and General Thomas E. T. Brutus, Commander-in-Chief of
> the Unified Armed Forces of the United States, now occupies the White
> House as permanent Military Plenipotentiary. (...)

Bah. Heinlein must be spinning on his grave, because 2012 is
the year he turned the USA into a religious dictatorship, when
Nehemiah Scudder wins the "election" by getting a little over
20% of the voters of a little over half the states - enough to
win in the "Electoral" College.

EVERYONE, from Bob Heinlein to well-respected demographers to New Agers citing the Mayan Calendar, see 2012 as the Climax of the Crisis. It makes me think when so many different streams converge, that we are onto something.

E.T. Brutus? Not G. J. Caesar? (Kown as "Big Julie" among his friends.)


Alberto Monteiro



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