Thu, 7 Jul 2005 21:41:03 +0000Alberto Monteiro wrote:
>Gary Denton wrote:
>> The problem with any new theory is old professors who made their
>> reputations on the old theories and control research grants and
>> publication usually until they die off. 
>No, the problem with any new theory is that it was probably
>proposed by some loony outsider who knows nothing about
>the old theory, and doesn't fear being ridiculed. For each 1,000
>crazy theories, one [or less] comes true.

>Alberto Monteiro


Well, I'd like to see some statistics to back up that assertion, Alberto. I 
will agree with you on one thing though. It's the people who fear being 
ridiculed who rarely come up with fresh new ideas!

LeonardMatusik [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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