> Dave Land <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Sep 21, 2005, at 12:45 PM, Deborah Harrell
> > Hey, I could convert a few stalls (currently used
> > hay) to people usage -- just add sleeping bags!
> > There's even a bathroom (with a shower) in the
> > barn...  What's a thousand+ miles?
> Just don't let Barbara Bush visit, or she'll start
> on about how much better off the poor people are in
> your barn than they were before.

The sad thing is, some of them _would_: hot and cold
running water, heated tack room with a sleeper sofa,
mini-fridge, solid construction...
(It's not actually my barn; I'm caretaker for the five
horses and occasionally the dog.  But my spare bedroom
would be open for any storm-tossed Brineller.)

Thinking Good Thoughts For The Texas 'Coasters Maru  :-/

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 

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