Sat, 24 Sep 2005 06:49:24 -0700 (PDT) Leonard Matusik wrote:
>"It's allways something.."-RoseAnne Rosannadana (AKA Gilda Radner)


>--- wonder if this is part of the uplift? 

>LeonardMatusik [EMAIL PROTECTED]

WELL! Just imagine my surprise. I found a full column feature piece on the back 
page of Sundays "Charlotte Observer" regarding this story!


It seems that 2 male penguins at the Central Park zoo, formed a strong pair 
bond attachment. They engaged in mating ritiuals appropriate to their species 
and (with human assistance) hatched an egg together. The phenomena was 
interpreted from various angles throughout BlogDumb (and not so dumb).


 I'll continue with a quote fro the "Observer";


"But then, not too long ago, they lost their home. Last spring one of the pair 
(Silo)foresook his partner of 6 years and took up with a female from California 
named Scrappy. 

The other male (Roy) has been seen alone in a corner lately, staring at a wall. 

This tale of betrayal, sexual identity and penguin lust set in Manhattan has 
reverberated around the world. It has 'rocked the gay scene', as the popular 
gay blogger, Andrew Sullivan, wrote in the London Sunday Times." (endquote 
"Charlotte Observer, 9/25; page 20A)


This phenomena has been reported in several places around the world. 

In Germany; one zoo was confused that, with 6 penguins actively "necking", they 
had no baby penguins. LO; and BeHold, it was discovered they had 6 males! (lol, 
who was in charge of THAT purchase!)  A plan was hatched to expand the exhibit. 
3 female penguins were planned to be brought in from Sweden and an attempt made 
to entice their males to mate therewith. 

This plan was canceled due to a storm of protest by european gay activists. 


NOW, before I go on;  I have to out myself; ............'cause folks I jsut 
don't wanna hear it about it, OK? All "homophobe accusitors" are cordially 
invited to Shove-It right NOW.

I have 3 genetic kids with my wife of 20 yrs and consider myself (for lack of a 
better term) Bisexual. If any of ya'll(guys) doubt it; Delta flys into Hickory 
7 days a week from the Atlanta hub and I'll be happy to meet you there.. (oh 
yeh, send pictures first..) 


So next comes two thoughts, 

"Don't these *P.I.T.A.oid-Zombies* have anything better to do that harrass 
simple zoologists trying to do a little animal research? Like, are penguins 
(gay or otherwise) some sort of endangered species?"


"Is homosexuality, as we know it, more a matter of genetics or memnetics?"


again from the 'Observer'; 

"The couple tried to incubate a rock together in 1999, so a year later the 
couple was given an extra egg from another pair. Tango, a female, hatched later 
that spring.  For the last two seasons, has paired up with another female named 
Tazuni as one of four other same-sex pairs at the Central Zoo. 

A childrens book detailing the once happy family, 'And Tango Makes Three' 
(Simon&Shuster) was published this spring and is on sale at the zoo gift shop" 



LeonardMatusik [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Just kidding about the meet guys..!

{unless you're a slightly-dumpy MAM SoftSub who likes to CD, then ...well 
.......... well, we could chat :) }




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