On Nov 20, 2005, at 9:05 PM, Doug Pensinger wrote:

Robert wrote:

We should all be ashamed in this country. We should be ashamed that
we are so childish and easily manipulated that CURVEBALL's supposed
story and that of all the other shoddy sources and rumor mongers were
so easily "sold" to us by a band of political extremists. Our
gullibility raises the issue of our collective worthiness to be the
sovereigns of the commonweal of whom Jefferson wrote.

I'm not ashamed, I'm furious. I have nothing to be ashamed of. I voted for Bill Clinton and Al Gore and John Kerry. I opposed the war from day zero. I never "bought" their bullshit. I am endlessly astonished at the bright, well-informed people who did, ignoring for moment the vast majority of boneheads who fell for it.

I doubt seriously that the Bushwhackers were taken in by this guy. He facilitated their agenda so they used him. Now they can say "Hey, we may have been dumber than dirt, but we didn't lie."

They seem incapable of acknowledging anything other than their belief that Iraq is better off without Saddam and that we have to put more American warriors in harm's way to honor the memory of those who have died already.

I wish like hell that they could say (in Official Washington Passive Voice) that "mistakes were made", but instead they complain that anyone who questions the justifications for going into Iraq are opportunistic, unpatriotic, and so forth.

Maybe we *are* turning the corner (or perhaps should I say "the corner is being turned").



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