The Fool wrote:
>> From: Robert Seeberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Nick Arnett wrote:
>>> 'Rumsfeld went on to say that "very little support went to Jack
>>> Murtha" after the congressman spoke out last week. "The Democrats
>>> didn't step up and support it, and Republicans didn't step up and
>>> support it. I think it's important for our troops to know that."'
>> *That* is a lie of Orwellian proportions. And the fact that it goes
>> unchallanged by the paper reporting it is telling.
>> People, you know times are bad when you have to go out of the 
>> country
>> or into the Blogosphere to get accurate news.
> You're just now figuring that out?  I coulda swore I harped on this
> quite a bit a few years ago.

No, I've just been in denial.

I really really want to think the best of my country, but it's getting 
harder and harder all the time. I have faith in people in a general 
sense, but I feel like many of our institutions are letting us down in 
a big way.

We The People, AOLTimeWarner, ExxonMobil, Sony........Maru


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