The Fool wrote:
From: Julia Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The Fool wrote:


I know a young woman who has the misfortune to have contracted



She is on a daily regimen of Valtrex to prevent symptoms from
manifesting themselves.

Recently she took her prescription to a pharmacist who was

apparently a

fundamentalist Christian.

Not only did he refuse to fill the prescription, but he tore it up


handed it back to her, saying, "God is punishing you for your sin."

Er, is that tearing up of the prescription legal in that state?  If

she should press charges.

I know that in some places, the pharmacist has the right to refuse to

fill the prescription, but it's illegal for the pharmacist to prevent

someone else from doing so.

It's a new tactic being encouraged by the evildoers:

If it's illegal, charges should be filed. Period. I'm aware of the problem (getting this from another online community as well!), and they need to be hit over the head with the legal system.

Valtrex is used to treat stuff OTHER than herpes contracted by sexual contact, and to prevent someone from getting the medication can be life-threatening.

If one of my kids were sick with something that Valtrex was needed for and the script was torn up by a pharmacist, I'd be on the phone to the county prosecutor in a heartbeat. And if that didn't do squat, the state prosecutor, and if THAT didn't do squat, one of the local news stations.

On top of that, young children are sexually abused and can contract STDs because of abuse. Are you going to tell an 11-month-old that the STD is its own damn fault and as a sinner it deserves to die? [fume]


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