On 12/5/05, Andrew Paul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "What if man did establish a lasting world peace? What would be
> accomplished by this? Yes, it would be great on the surface to live on
> earth in peace, but what would be the long term effect? Answer: more
> sin, more rebellion, more infidelity, more atheism, and more apostasy!
> Men don't seek God during peaceful times. It is during such times that
> men pursue their carnal and selfish dreams. It is during such times that
> churches fall into apostasy. War, hardship, and persecution tend to
> bring out the best in people, while peace and prosperity do just the
> opposite."
> Ahh, so that is the word of God is it... No wonder I don't get it.

No, that's not the word of God.  You didn't get it because whoever wrote
this didn't get it!

It's been hitting me lately that the idea that religion is bad because of
all the bad things done in the name of religion is as silly as the idea that
democracy is bad because of all the bad things done in the name of
democracy.  Any belief can be twisted.  Ideals are corrupted.  Truth is

The truth at the core of Christianity is not a book, not a set of beliefs,
not rituals, not a lot of things... it's a person,  a model of
self-sacrifice and goodness, an abused servant, not a vanquishing king.

Nick Arnett
Messages: 408-904-7198

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