Alberto Monteiro wrote:
> I agree that any OS should include those things. But Micro$oft is
> Evil not for including them, but for _not_ including other basic
> things that any decent OS should include, like _any_ programming
> language support (C, C++, or even b*sic), any reasonable text
> editor, any reasonable command language, etc.

All of the latest Microsoft Compilers (languages include C++, C#,
VB.NET, others) are free and most likely are already installed on your

IMO, Notepad is a reasonable text editor.  When I want features I want
something like Vim and I don't expect Microsoft to deal with the Vim
v. Emacs debate.

The cmd.exe and Windows Script Host together support quite a bit of
"reasonable" commands, and the Monad Shell in beta-testing provides
everything but the kitchen sink.

--Max Battcher--
All progress is based upon a universal innate desire on the part of
every organism to live beyond its income. --Samuel Butler

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