At 09:13 AM Wednesday 1/4/2006, Robert J. Chassell wrote:
Dave Land <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote

    I know that other 9/11 analyses have been posted to this list, but
    I came across a one-hour documentary that concludes that "it is
    more likely than not that the government was actually behind the
    attacks" ...

Yes, that is worth checking.

As I say below ` ... the simplest hypothesis is that a Moslem group
did the job ...'

The reason it is worth checking was stated by a friend of mine:

    The isolation of the cells that undertook the hijacking and
    attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon meant that the
    people in those groups could have been directed by someone who is
    not Moslem.  The hijackers could have been fooled as to who their
    sponsors were.

And of course that means we know who the sponsors must have been without having to read any more.

--Ronn!  :)

"Since I was a small boy, two states have been added to our country and two words have been added to the pledge of Allegiance... UNDER GOD. Wouldn't it be a pity if someone said that is a prayer and that would be eliminated from schools too?"
   -- Red Skelton

(Someone asked me to change my .sig quote back, so I did.)


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