William T Goodall wrote:

"If you thought that the joys of watching your young ones grow up was one of life's simple pleasures, think again. Parenthood is actually bad for your mental health, according to the latest research. Questions included how often "you felt lonely", "you felt depressed", "you felt fearful", and "you had trouble keeping your mind on what you were doing".
"Parenthood brings rewards, but the worries associated with being entirely responsible for another human being appear to outweigh the benefits and do not seem to lessen as children grow older." The study's findings will make happy reading for couples who have decided to enjoy the freedom and lack of responsibility associated with not having children."

I think that the increase in likelihood of symptoms of depression is quite different to "bad for mental health". I would suggest that children simply increases the fluctuations between highs and lows - the good times and the bad times. The fact that there are new lows ignores the new highs that child raising brings...

Russell C.

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