On 3/22/06, Alberto Monteiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The Fool wrote:
> >
> >> Fat32
> >
> > There's your problem _Right There_.
> >
> > Unless you are using some version of win9x that needs to be able to see
> > this partition, you need to be using NTFS.  It's better in every
> > way. And you can compress NTFS drives.
> >
> > See if you can't dig up an old version of scandisk.exe or norton
> > utilities DOS version.
> >
> But NTFS is not visible to Linux.
> If Linux did it, then Linux can fix it :-P
> But I still think it was not a software bug, but a hardware bug.
> Alberto Monteiro

Actually.... Linux can read NTFS, and fairly well. I once helped a
friend set it up so he could listen to his music collection - but the
real problem is that you have to go in via the command line (AFAIK),
and Windows is *extremely* hostile to CLIs, what with all the special
characters and spaces in the file names. Not to mention we couldn't
seem to get tab completion to work, so it was manual
copy-paste-quoting. Not fun.
As for writing, the devs have it working, but they caution users that
it is very much alpha and that there are drives that have been screwed
up by being written to. Not something I would use, but fortunately, it
is not a problem I will face anytime soon.


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