Ronn!Blankenship wrote:

At 05:46 AM Wednesday 4/5/2006, G. D. Akin wrote:
>I remember reading last year about a movie based on one of Ray Bradbury's
>best short stories, "A Sound of Thunder."  Then I never heard of it again
>until today when I saw (and bought) the movie on DVD.
>What happend to this.  Was it meant for general release or was a SciFi
>channel movie?

My understanding is that it was indeed meant for
general release but was not out long because it
sucked big time.  I never had a chance to see it
when it was out and was thinking about getting a
copy to see how bad it really is, but I didn't
see it in the brief time I was out
yesterday.  Did see lotsa copies of Narnia, but
not the extended 2-disc version.  (Not that I had
time yesterday or in the foreseeable future-the
rest of the week or so-to watch any movies.) Will
probably have to go out again before the end of the week.


You now know as much about it as I do.  Hope that isn't too much . . .


I was looking forward to it because I think it is one of the great short
stories.  The could bode ill for me.  I remember really wanting to see
Vonnegut's "Breakfast of Champions" but it slipped under the radar, and for
good reason.  I took the DVD home and with some eager anticipation put it in
the player.  GAWD!  What a horrible movie.  Vonnegut made a cameo in it.
I'm surprised he would do so.

Here's hoping "Thunder" is a better.

George A


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