Damon Agretto wrote:

I think SR would be really neat in Linklater's style of "animation". Its a very neat way to both break from reality and yet stay firmly grounded in reality.

I think that would do a lot to hinder my enjoyment. Dunno, I personally like anime (at least for one reason) for its artistic stylings.

Funny, I often _dislike_ anime (at least for one reason) for its artistic stylings. To each his own, eh?

Something done in rotoscope (or its 21st C equivalent) always seemed a bit like "cheating!" :)

I suppose you'd say the same thing for any other computer effects overlaid on top of live action footage? Was Sky Captain cheating? Heck, Tron used chemical processing, was that cheating?

I've heard some great things about Linklater's first film in the style (Waking Life), at least from the people I know that have actually seen it. (It's got a 79%-FRESH on Rotten Tomatoes, which has become my favorite indicator of a film's worth.)

The "A Scanner Darkly" trailers have me intrigued and I'm hoping for a good translation of the book. (I have to admit I'm skeptical with Woody and Keanu, but it can't be that tough to play druggies, can it?)

--Max Battcher--
"I'm gonna win, trust in me / I have come to save this world / and in the end I'll get the grrrl!" --Machinae Supremacy, Hero (Promo Track)

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