Easy stuff first. I'm an OSX wonk and have been a while -- I participated in the public beta, back before the century turned, when my PowerBook, on its first load of the nascent OS, ran through a series of UNIX (actually Darwin, which is Apple's version of FreeBSD, which is technically not UNIX) style command-line load instructions before presenting me with a UI I'd seen in sccreenshots, but never actually hacked before.

It was definitely not pre-X Mac, and it definitely needed work. If you think X.4 is quirky, you should have seen the first version. Oy.

So if you need help there, let me know what with.

As to the BASIC question: I'll shoot you a counter-question: Why?

Assembly is the ultimate line-by-line language, but it's not necessarily the best instruction base for showing a kid how to do things onscreen. If you want to explore that direction, using line code without the benefit of an IDE, consider exploring JavaScript. It gives you the OOP the modern era expects along with options for linear execution, and best of all it runs in a browser layer. (That's best, because it means you can't accidentally include instructions that will, say, format the drive.)

It's also eminently portable. The syntax is funky but it follows the C model, which is used by Java, Perl (somewhat) and of course C++. Also, JS is the script engine of choice for Flash, which is (sigh) considered the pre-eminent core to use for multimedia online games, apps and so on.

Wanting to work in BASIC to show a kid how to hack code seems a little like trying to introduce a twelve-year-old to the wonders of having a ham radio license by insisting he learn Morse code. Start with world radio, then get him hooked on speaking by voice to human beings on the other side of the planet (unless he has an Xbox), then work *backward* to the understructure. It makes more sense pedagogically to begin with the fun light stuff and work into details as the student requests them.

Put another way, if an eight-year-old came to you with a story he'd just written, would you lecture him on syntax and spelling errors, or would you rather praise his imagination and willingness to try at all?

BASIC is not necessarily the best beginning for a computer engineering career. The fact is that code is written on a much more abstract level now, one which blurs the line between (for instance) graphics and interpreter commands. In your novel _Earth_ you don't make the ludicrous suggestion that sophisticated avatars are running commands such as "10 seek news; 20 goto 10". They will exist, but they won't be made on the linear programming level; they will be aggregates of pre-assembled, generic objects.

Warren Ockrassa, Publisher/Editor, nightwares Books
Current work in progress "The Seven-Year Mirror"


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